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LU Ming


Professor, Principal Investigator

Laboratory of Lipid Metabolic Aberrations and Cancer Microenvironment

Email: mlu@sinh.ac.cn

Tel: 86-21-54923270

Research Areas:
Lipids are a diverse group of organic compounds that play key roles in energy storage, membrane production and signaling. Our major research interests are to investigate how cells sense the alterations of lipids, and the roles of lipid metabolic aberrations in related diseases such as cancer, obesity and NAFLD. Recently, we mainly focus on two aspects: 1) the lipid metabolic alterations in cancer metastatic microenvironment, especially the interactions between cancer cells and immune cells at the metabolic levels, and the underlying mechanism of metabolic micro-environmental regulation on cancer metastasis. 2) how cells sense the alterations of sterols (including cholesterol and oxysterols), including the effects of sterols alterations induced by special enzymes with own redox regulatory activities, such as SOAT2-steryl ester activity, on cellular lipid metabolic state and redox state, and their subsequent influences on cellular membrane functions especially on dynamic plasma membrane, transmembrane signaling transduction, cell functional behaviors.


Brief Biography:
2021-now: Principal Investigator, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS, Shanghai, China
2018-2020: Visiting scientist, The JAX Cancer Center, The Jackson Laboratory, US
2014-2021: Assistant/associated research fellow, Department of General Surgery, Huashan Hospital & Cancer Metastasis Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2011-2014: Postdoc, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS, Shanghai, China
2004-2011: Ph.D. Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, CAS, Shanghai, China
2000-2004: B.S. Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan province, China


Selected Publications: (# First author, * Corresponding author)

  1. 1. Pan JJ#, Xie SZ#, Zheng X, Xu JF, Xu H, Yin RQ, Luo YL, Shen L, Chen ZR, Chen YR, Yu SZ, Lu L, Zhu WW*, Lu M*, Qin LX*. Acetyl-CoA metabolic accumulation promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis via enhancing CXCL1-dependent infiltration of tumor-associated neutrophils. Cancer Letters 2024,592:216903.
  2. 2. Shao WQ#, Zhu WW#, Luo MJ, Fan MH, Li Q, Wang SH, Lin ZF, Zhao Jing, Zheng Yan, Dong QZ, Lu L, Jia HL, Zhang JB, Lu M*, Chen JH*, Qin LX*. Cholesterol suppresses GOLM1-dependent selective autophagy of RTKs in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cell Rep 2022;39(3):110712.
  3. 3. Zhang KL#, Zhu WW#, Wang SH#, Gao C, Pan JJ, Du ZG, Lu L, Jia HL, Dong QZ, Chen JH*, Lu M*, Qin LX*. Organ-specific cholesterol metabolic aberration fuels liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. Theranostics 2021;11(13):6560-6572.
  4. 4. Wei R#, Zhu WW#, Yu GY#, Wang X, Gao C, Zhou X, Lin ZF, Shao WQ, Wang SH, Lu M*, Qin LX*. S100A9 from tumor-associated macrophage enhances cancer stem cell-like properties of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Cancer 2021;148(5):1233-1244.
  5. 5. Li PS#, Lu M#, Shi JY, Gong Z, Hua L, Li Q, Lim B, Zhang XHF, Chen XW, Li S, Shultz LD, Ren GW*. Lung mesenchymal cells elicit lipid storage in neutrophils that fuel breast cancer lung metastasis. Nature Immunology 2020;21(11):1444-1455.
  6. 6. Li PS#, Lu M#, Shi JY, Hua L, Gong Z, Li Q, Shultz LD, Ren GW*. Dual roles of neutrophils in metastatic colonization are governed by the host NK cell status. Nature Communications 2020;11(1):4387.
  7. 7. Zhu WW#, Lu M#, Wang XY#, Zhou X, Gao C, Qin LX*. The fuel and engine: the roles of reprogrammed metabolism in metastasis of primary liver cancer. Genes & Diseases 2020;7(3):299-307.
  8. 8. Shao WQ#, Zhu WW#, Lin J#, Luo M, Lin ZF, Lu L, Jia HL, Qin LX*, Lu M*, Chen JH*. Liver X Receptor Agonism Sensitizes a Subset of Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Sorafenib by Dual-Inhibiting MET and EGFR. Neoplasia 2020;1:1-9.
  9. 9. Lu M#*, Zhu WW#, Wang X, Tang JJ, Zhang KL, Yu GY, Shao WQ, Lin ZF, Wang SH, Lu L, Zhou J, Wang LX, Jia HL, Dong QZ, Chen JH, Lu JQ, Qin LX*. ACOT12-Dependent Alteration of Acetyl-CoA Drives Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis by Epigenetic Induction of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Cell Metabolism 2019;29(4):886-900.
  10. 10. Lu M#, Lu L#, Dong QZ, Yu GY, Chen JH, Qin LX, Wang LX*, Zhu WW*, and Jia HL* Elevated G6PD expression contributes to migration and invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 2018;50(4):370–380.
  11. 11. Wang YJ, Bian Y, Luo J, Lu M, Xiong Y, Guo SY, Yin HY, Lin X, Li Q, Chang CCY, Chang TY, Li BL*, Song BL*. Cholesterol and fatty acids regulate cysteine ubiquitylation of ACAT2 through competitive oxidation. Nature Cell Biology 2017;19(7):808-819.
  12. 12. Ye QH#, Zhu WW#, Zhang JB#, Qin Y#, Lu M#, Lin GL, Guo L, Zhang B, Lin ZH, Roessler S, Forgues M, Jia HL, Lu L, Zhang XF, Lian BF, Xie L, Dong QZ, Tang ZY, Wang XW*, Qin LX*. GOLM1 Modulates EGFR/RTK Cell-Surface Recycling to Drive Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis. Cancer cell 2016;30(3):444-458.
  13. 13. Lu M#, Hu XH#, Li Q, Xiong Y, Hu GJ, Xu JJ, Zhao XN, Wei XX, Chang CC, Liu YK, Nan FJ, Li J, Chang TY, Song BL* and Li BL*. A specific cholesterol metabolic pathway is established in a subset of HCCs for tumor growth. J Mol Cell Biol 2013;5(6):404-415.